Brookside Church

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@ Brookside . . . Week of October 3rd

In the spirit Integrated Spirituality, we are excited to open our doors to a new wellness partner, PraXis, hosted by Master’s candidate Cornelius Swart who is offering an 8-week course focusing on the "intersection of science-based wellness and Christian spiritual practice." The group combines Holy Yoga, Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina (scriptural reading/meditation), and plant-based "fasting.” Sign up here:

Participants are welcome to join as many of the classes as they like each week with the minimum commitment of at least once per week. Due to unforeseen circumstances, our leader Cornelius has asked to postpone in person sessions for at least two weeks. Sessions will be zoom only during that time. Pastor Nicolette has been previewing the sessions via zoom and believes this is a worthwhile way to engage in the program and looks forward to connecting together with you through PraXis online.

PraXis, is a graduate project coming from the Vancouver School of Theology, at the University of British Columbia. If you'd like to learn more about this 8-week challenge, visit

When Paul, Peter, and the other early church leaders could not be with a congregation, they wrote love letters filled with hope, encouragement, and prayer to uplift the church in times of difficulty. These letters continue to shape our churches today.
As we read their letters to the church, if you have words of hope, encouragement, or love that you want to share with Brookside, share them here:

Join the Brookside Church team here:

We will walk together on October 24th - look for more details in next week’s newsletter

Brookside Community Church will be volunteering at the collection site on November 14th

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

Sue’s father Tom.
Sue’s friend Jeff.
Students, teachers, administrators as they return to school amidst Covid
All grieving devastating losses of life and property after Hurricane Ida

The people of Afghanistan and all who live in places of uncertainty and violence

For our emerging world, our leaders, and all who continue to be impacted by Covid, especially as the Delta variant spreads rapidly among the unvaccinated.

For the lonely, the isolated, the anxious, the fearful, the sick.

Prayer Joys and Concerns will be listed weekly. Requests received by Tuesday of each week will be included in @ Brookside and will remain there for a month unless otherwise requested. Please forward your requests during the week to: