@ Brookside . . . Week of November 28th

Begins today. In addition to the open sanctuary, crafts and Advent wreath supplies are available in the Scialla Hall.

Sunday, December 5th

9:30am - Second Sunday of Advent

- Fellowship
(hosts needed for future Sundays - see sign up below)
- Pick up Advent Wreath supplies


Or call in:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 254 441 229

WE NEED HOSTS FOR Fellowship Hour - Sign up below:


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Hope for the Journey

Six months ago, we embarked on a journey of faith. In the midst of a global pandemic that impeded our ability to gather indoors for over a year, we set a goal to raise $130K to restore and replace our roof. This week we crossed that threshold together.

Together, we have given a similar amount to the General Fund, supporting the continued vital work and mission of the church. In addition to worship, we have held weekly Zoom gatherings for seniors, welcomed Betsy as our intern, read Liturgy of the Ordinary and the New Jim Crow, provided at-home worship materials for Lent, planted and tended a summer garden, packed lunch bags for nourishNJ, partnered with Mendham churches on several projects, and so much more.

Thank you for journeying with us in hope, for exercising your faith by stretching your giving to meet expanding needs, for supporting our vibrant ministries in so many ways.

Whether you give more than you pledged to the General Fund or make an additional gift to Raise the Roof, your end-of-year giving makes a difference at Brookside.


Updated materials for home use (candles and liturgy) are available to be picked up in the Fellowship Hall during Rest in the Rush and after worship on Sundays. More information about seasonal offerings can be found here: https://www.brooksidechurch.org/advent-2021

Missed 11/28? Come during “Rest in the Rush” on 11/30 or arrange another time with two other households and Pastor Nicolette is happy to host. Additional cookie sheet donations are welcome.

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

The lonely, the isolated, the anxious, the fearful

The sick, the dying, the grieving

Students, teachers, administrators

All those facing devastating losses from hurricanes, wildfires, and earthquakes

The people of Afghanistan and all who live in places of uncertainty and violence

Our leaders, our communities, our nation

Prayer Joys and Concerns will be listed weekly. Requests received by Tuesday of each week will be included in @ Brookside and will remain there for a month unless otherwise requested. Please forward your requests during the week to: office@brooksidechurch.org