Brookside Church

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@ Brookside . . . Week of February 7th

SMALL GROUP DISCUSSIONS - this week Chapters 5&9:
Choir - Wednesday at 7pm led by Amy S.
ALL Welcome - Thursdays at 12pm & 8pm - led by Pastor Nicolette

The Lenten Season is February 17th (Ash Wednesday) - Easter (April 4th). Please look for instructions on vase drop off (to enhance our Zoom worship space) and Lenten package pick ups (to enhance your at-home worship space) in an email later this week. In addition, the Mendham Faith Leaders will be providing a weekly mid-week devotion. Details coming soon!

Join Pastor Nicolette and other leaders from across Morris County on Monday, March 15th at 7:30pm as we prepare to launch Morris Area Together. We’ll hear updates and proposals from our teams working on issues like housing, mental health & substance use, and criminal justice. We will then turn to preparing for a broad, public launch in April. Please consider joining us. We’re hoping to have a team of 4-10 people from our congregation attend. You can register at

COVID-19 vaccines are on the way to hospitals and clinics across New Jersey. You can reserve your spot to get a vaccine now by pre-registering here. We’ll ask some questions to determine when you are eligible to receive a vaccination.

Filling out this form should take about 15 minutes, and the information you enter will be kept private with the State of New Jersey. Click below to reserve your spot.

1. Send a check to the church or drop it in the office mail slot
PO Box 490, Brookside NJ 07926

2. Set up an automatic gift through your bank’s online bill pay system. You can choose to make a one time, or recurring, donation by this method. Not sure how it works? This article gives some information. Just add the church as a Payee.

3. Use Tithely - a secure online payment service - by clicking the link below.
Please note the fees are much lower when giving from a checking/savings account so more of your donation goes to supporting the church’s mission.

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

For the Marucci family, upon the passing of Edie
For the Behnke family, upon the passing of Pat’s mother
For Lolita and Tatiana (associates of Dennis)
For Chris
For Nicole F. and her children Sam and Daniel
For Dee (friend of Jack)
For those having or recovering from surgery.
For those who grieve and are unable to gather.
For our nation & the world
For the prayers lifted in worship on Sunday.

For first responders, medical and healthcare professionals, and leaders who are guiding us in this time of pandemic.

For justice and equality for all God’s children.

For educators, for students, for parents.

For all who are economically impacted.

For the lonely, the isolated, the anxious, the fearful, the sick.

Prayer Joys and Concerns will be listed weekly. Requests received by Tuesday of each week will be included in the following Sunday’s bulletin and @ Brookside and will remain there for a month unless otherwise requested. Please forward your requests during the week to:  

See this form in the original post