@ Brookside . . . Week of April 25th

On May 10th at 7:30pm, members from Brookside will join with hundreds of others (including faith leaders, public officials, allies, and more) to launch Morris Area Together publicly on Zoom. Our goal is to bring 10 members of Brookside UCC to the la…

On May 10th at 7:30pm, members from Brookside will join with hundreds of others (including faith leaders, public officials, allies, and more) to launch Morris Area Together publicly on Zoom. Our goal is to bring 10 members of Brookside UCC to the launch party. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIocuqurzwtGtH4U71yUpkvFqaL4_lJYWL7 

Morris Area Together is a broad-based, non-partisan coalition of religious congregations & non-profits here in Morris County) publicly over Zoom. We’ll announce our work and progress on issues like mental health, housing, and criminal justice, with public and corporate officials pledging to work with us to move these issues forward. Learn about all of the good work we are doing TOGETHER here: njtogether.org/morris

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Sunday Worship via Zoom

May 2nd at 9:30am

Join Zoom Meeting

Or call in:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 254 441 229

NOTE: When you join, you will be put in an online ‘waiting room.’

Prior services can be found here:

Emerge - A Season to Prepare.png

Over the past year, I have been financially blessed. I have been employed full time at a job that compensates me fairly and provides health insurance and other benefits (thank you, Brookside). I am a part of a congregation where I, along with others…

Over the past year, I have been financially blessed. I have been employed full time at a job that compensates me fairly and provides health insurance and other benefits (thank you, Brookside). I am a part of a congregation where I, along with others, pool our resources to achieve great things. We have upheld our giving to outside organizations, invested in our programs, collaborated on projects. Thank you for all of the ways you give.

Today, I received a letter from the government telling me that I would be receiving a third stimulus payment. The first two payments our household divided so that we spent a portion in our local economy and gave the rest to local charities - it was our way in investing in our community. This third payment I want to invest in Brookside. It’s not much in the grand scheme of things - $1400 - but unlike my regular monthly gift that goes into our general fund, this one I will direct to capital improvements as a way to invest in the present and the future of our ministry together.

Soon we will officially launch our “Raise the Roof” campaign to replace our nearly 75 year old roof. While my $1400 is a drop in the bucket of what is needed, I can give it easily now, before fundraising even begins, to help us get started. Together, I believe we will give the resources needed to protect and preserve our building, and have enough funds left to invest in projects that will improve our hospitality and accessibility and increase our technological capabilities - all before we return to using our building full time. Will you join me?

Ways to give:

1. Send a check to the church or drop it in the office mail slot
PO Box 490, Brookside NJ 07926

2. Give through your bank’s online bill pay system. You can choose to make a one time, or recurring, donation by this method.

3. Use Tithely - a secure online payment service - by clicking the link below.
Please note the fees are much lower when giving from a checking/savings account so more of your donation goes to supporting the church’s mission.

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

For brother Doug, his step-son Tim, and their families (family of Linda H.)
For Lolita and Tatiana (associates of Dennis)
For Chris
For Nicole F. and her children Sam and Daniel

For first responders, medical and healthcare professionals, and leaders who are guiding us in this time of pandemic.

For our nation as we continue to face the deadly impacts of gun violence and racism.

For justice and equality for all God’s children.

For educators, for students, for parents.

For all who are economically impacted.

For the lonely, the isolated, the anxious, the fearful, the sick.

Prayer Joys and Concerns will be listed weekly. Requests received by Tuesday of each week will be included in the following Sunday’s bulletin and @ Brookside and will remain there for a month unless otherwise requested. Please forward your requests during the week to: office@brooksidechurch.org