Brookside Church

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@ Brookside . . . Week of June 6th

Contact the Church Office to sign up to help

Info on the event: Mendham Township will host its 12th Annual Patriots' Race on Saturday, June 12, 2021! Get your day off to a running (or walking) start with a community 5K. A Kids' Fun Run is planned, as well as DJ Entertainment, Custom Tee-shirts and Refreshments. In addition to supporting community events, fitness, health and well- being, funds raised through our Patriots' Race Sponsors will benefit local causes including the Geoffrey D'Aries MVP Foundation, Mendham Magic Track and Field and multiple college scholarships to Mendham High School seniors.

** Kindly register in advance, as same day/walk-up registration cannot be accommodated.

Patriots' Race Registration:

Patriots' Race Information:

We kicked-off on May 19th on the beautiful grounds of the Community of St. John Baptist Episcopalian Convent in Mendham.  The garden is located behind and to the left of the Community’s Retreat House.  Our group, adults and children, met on the benches outside the garden and reflected on the second creation story in Genesis and how it helps us to understand our connection to God in nature.  We had fun getting to know each other and planning our garden bed.  We are grateful to the Sisters at the Community for providing us with a large, raised bed, gardening tools, compost, and accessible water.  All the food we grow will be donated to a local food pantry.  

At our meeting on May 26th, our group prepared the garden for our plants:  weeding, turning the soil, and adding compost.  We watched the sky and clouds as we planted, and were thrilled to get most of our vegetables in before the rain came!  We planted different varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, kale, spinach, celery, and other vegetables.

When we met last week, we reflected on the story in Exodus of God appearing to Moses in a thorny bush and what this might tell us about the nature of God.  As the summer continues, we’ll explore the many ways in which the Bible helps us to understand God and Jesus through images of nature – in rocks, weeds, fig trees, seeds, water, vines…

We meet again this Wednesday, June 9th, from 5:30 to 6:30.  We’re excited to see how our garden is growing!  This week we’ll be planting marigolds, which help to keep away unwanted insects, and talk about other ways to keep our soil and plants happy.  We’ll also be choosing which plants we want to grow in a new, elevated bed built for the garden. 

Our ministry is open to all, any time throughout the summer.  We hope you’ll join us!  For more information, please contact Betsy Broome, Brookside’s pastoral intern, at

Ways to give:

1. Send a check to the church or drop it in the office mail slot
PO Box 490, Brookside NJ 07926

2. Give through your bank’s online bill pay system. You can choose to make a one time, or recurring, donation by this method.

3. Use Tithely - a secure online payment service - by clicking the link below.
Please note the fees are much lower when giving from a checking/savings account so more of your donation goes to supporting the church’s mission.

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

For Elaine I.
For family and friends of Pete C. (Nicolette’s uncle) who grieve his passing.
For brother Doug, his step-son Tim, and their families (family of Linda H.)
For Lolita and Tatiana (associates of Dennis)
For Chris
For Nicole F. and her children Sam and Daniel

For first responders, medical and healthcare professionals, and leaders who are guiding us in this time of pandemic.

For our nation as we continue to face the deadly impacts of gun violence and racism.

For justice and equality for all God’s children.

For educators, for students, for parents.

For all who are economically impacted.

For the lonely, the isolated, the anxious, the fearful, the sick.

Prayer Joys and Concerns will be listed weekly. Requests received by Tuesday of each week will be included in the following Sunday’s bulletin and @ Brookside and will remain there for a month unless otherwise requested. Please forward your requests during the week to:  

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