@ Brookside . . . Week of September 26th

A letter was sent out to families detailing all of the opportunities we have coming this autumn for education and faith formation. If you did not receive the letter, or if you have questions, this is a chance to learn more.

The epistles, letters to the early church, were written out of love for the churches.
Write your own LOVE LETTER to Brookside here: https://brooksidecc.breezechms.com/form/ab3463

Beginning September 19th, We’ll share these letters as a part of our worship series.

Special activities for children of all ages DURING and AFTER worship.


Praxis: Christian Wellness Program

In the spirit of our Integrated Spirituality classes at Brookside Church, we are excited to open our doors to a new wellness partner, PraXis.

They are offering a Christian Wellness challenge from October 5th through November 24th (classes have started, but our goal is to start together as a church community the week of October 5th).

This 8-week course is all about the "intersection of science-based wellness and Christian spiritual practice." The group combines Holy Yoga, Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina (scriptural reading/meditation), and plant-based "fasting.”

The sessions are about 1 hour and 30 minutes and including optional fellowship and food sharing time at the end. Participants are welcome to join as many of the classes as they like each week with the minimum commitment of at least once per week. Classes will be held:

Tuesdays 6:30-8pm
Wednesdays 6:30-8pm
Thursdays 10-11:30am

*At least one of these classes will be offered in person at Brookside Community Church (with Covid precautions). The others will be available online.

PraXis, is a graduate project coming from the Vancouver School of Theology, at the University of British Columbia. We are working together with Master's candidate Cornelius Swart to host at least one session each week in person at Brookside Church.

If you'd like to learn more about this 8-week challenge, visit


Sunday, October 3rd 9:30am

In-Person Worship

followed by Fellowship Hour & Sunday School

If the weather is nice, we’ll meet OUTSIDE in the Anderson Wing courtyard for worship and fellowship.

Can you help to provide snacks? Sign up below:


If the weather is poor, we’ll meet INSIDE

We will also livestream via Zoom regardless of location.


Or call in:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 254 441 229

Prior services can be found here: brooksidechurch.org/sermons


Donor #50 is…..TBD

While our church will still need to protect and maintain the buildings and property, if we do this project right (which is what we’re aiming to do), the roof over the sanctuary will not need to be replaced again for 70 years.

We have $120K of $130K committed, and have received $60K of those commitments thus far. Thank you to everyone who has given or plans to give.

A reminder that there are multiple needs beyond the roof, and so any money raised beyond what is needed for the roof will go towards other necessary health and safety projects.

Haven’t given yet? The next person to give will be the 50th donor to this project!


In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

Sue’s father Tom.
Sue’s friend Jeff.
Students, teachers, administrators as they return to school amidst Covid
All grieving devastating losses of life and property after Hurricane Ida

The people of Afghanistan and all who live in places of uncertainty and violence

For our emerging world, our leaders, and all who continue to be impacted by Covid, especially as the Delta variant spreads rapidly among the unvaccinated.

For the lonely, the isolated, the anxious, the fearful, the sick.

Prayer Joys and Concerns will be listed weekly. Requests received by Tuesday of each week will be included in @ Brookside and will remain there for a month unless otherwise requested. Please forward your requests during the week to: office@brooksidechurch.org