Brookside Church

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@ Brookside . . . Week of May 8th

On behalf of the Mendhams Stigma-Free Task Force, Brookside Community Church is invited to walk to "Stomp Out the Stigma” on Sunday, May, 15th at 2pm (sign in begins at 1pm). Our church is a sponsor and we stand behind the goals to show support for individuals and families struggling with mental health and substance use and to promote open conversations in our community about these difficult challenges. Sign up to “Stomp Out the Stigma” Here:

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

All who mourn for Scot B., especially his brother Marc

The prayers shared aloud on Sunday morning*

The lonely, the isolated, the anxious, the fearful

The sick, the dying, the grieving

Students, teachers, administrators

All who continue to be impacted by Covid-19

The people of Ukraine, Russia, Afghanistan, and all who live in places of uncertainty and violence

Our leaders, our communities, our nation

*Prayers shared on Sunday morning are NOT published here, except by explicit request. If you would like a prayer included in @Brookside, please email