@ Brookside . . . Week of June 26th

Note new date! The event will be held at Brookside Beach by the Elementary School. Activities and booths from 6-8pm, “Inside Out” showing at 8pm!

The parade starts at 9am - hope to see you there!

Sunday Worship - July 3rd

9:30am - Worship in person and via Zoom

10:30am - Fellowship - We need hosts to serve iced tea, lemonade, and cookies (all provided by the church.)  Just mix and serve! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f044fafaf2ba6fd0-fellowship2 Questions? Contact Maria H. mcikifan@hotmail.com


Or call in:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 254 441 229

Previous services can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt13UJi4ShYdpMZm-ONnDWA

Please subscribe to our youtube channel. Once we reach 100 youtube subscribers, we can unlock some free benefits. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The deacons have decided that this summer on Sundays when Pastor Nicolette is away, we’ll go as a group to worship with another faith community who is a part of the Mendham interchurch group. We have also invited them to come and worship with us when their pastors are away.

Please talk to Pastor Nicolette or Moderator Sally P. if you are interested in helping in any of these areas.


Join us in Scialla Hall on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, from 6:30-7:30pm for a free one-hour session of yoga and centering prayer.

July 6, July 20 (last session of the summer)

Follow this link for more information, including opportunities at other locations and reintroducing a Zoom option:

More information about the program at PraXisWellness.Center, email info4praxiswellness@gmail.com with questions.

Interested in seeing this program continue? See Cornelius about becoming an instructor.

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

The prayers shared aloud on Sunday morning*

Those who grieve, especially the loved ones of Herb Pennoyer, Marion Rames (grandmother of Kellie F), and James Miller (father of Jack M)

Those who have lost loved ones to gun violence and who live in fear

The lonely, the isolated, the anxious, the fearful

The sick, the dying, the grieving

All who continue to be impacted by Covid-19

The people of Ukraine, Russia, Afghanistan, and all who live in places of uncertainty and violence

Our leaders, our communities, our nation

*Prayers shared on Sunday morning are NOT published here, except by explicit request. If you would like a prayer included in @Brookside, please email office@brooksidechurch.org