@ Brookside . . . Week of August 15th


Worship Survey

Help the church Staff & Deacons plan for autumn by completing this brief (2-3 minute) survey:



Breakfast Bags for nourish.NJ

We will provide 100 "Breakfast Bags" for guests at nourish.NJ on Friday, September 10th. For details on how you can help (from shopping to packing sometime that week), click on the link.


Note: August 29th is a 5th Sunday and so worship will be ONLINE ONLY.

Note: August 29th is a 5th Sunday and so worship will be ONLINE ONLY.

GARDENING IS WEDNESDAY 8/18, 5:30-6:30 this week!We had our first harvest last week and are happy that our produce is going to feed hungry people. It has been a joy to connect food with faith. This ministry is open to all, any week throughout the summer.  We hope you’ll join us!  For more information, please contact Betsy Broome, Brookside’s pastoral intern, at ebroomemid@gmail.com.

GARDENING IS WEDNESDAY 8/18, 5:30-6:30 this week!

We had our first harvest last week and are happy that our produce is going to feed hungry people. It has been a joy to connect food with faith. This ministry is open to all, any week throughout the summer.  We hope you’ll join us!  For more information, please contact Betsy Broome, Brookside’s pastoral intern, at ebroomemid@gmail.com.

Numbers Again….

The materials are arriving, work is starting, the new roof is happening! We are 90% of the way to our fundraising goal of $130K thanks to the 46 individuals & familes who together intend to give $118K! That’s right:

90% of $130K

46 donors, $118K

Will you be the 50th donor? Will your gift be the one that puts us over $130K? We’re getting SO CLOSE!

9:30 am In Person Worship Sunday, August 22nd

If the weather is nice, we’ll meet OUTSIDE in the Anderson Wing courtyard

If the weather is poor, we’ll meet INSIDE

Regardless, we will also livestream via Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting

Or call in:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 254 441 229

Prior services can be found here:

NOTE: When you join, you will be put in an online ‘waiting room.’



In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

Sue’s father Tom
Students, teachers, administrators as they prepare to return to school
Pastor Nicolette on her vacation August 20-September 3.

For our emerging world, our leaders, and all who continue to be impacted by Covid, especially as the Delta variant spreads rapidly among the unvaccinated.

For the lonely, the isolated, the anxious, the fearful, the sick.

Prayer Joys and Concerns will be listed weekly. Requests received by Tuesday of each week will be included in the following Sunday’s bulletin and @ Brookside and will remain there for a month unless otherwise requested. Please forward your requests during the week to: office@brooksidechurch.org