@ Brookside . . . Week of August 1st

TONIGHT Join Pastor Nicolette and other local faith leaders in reading and discussing chapters 3 & 4 of "The New Jim Crow." All are welcome, even if you were not able to make the first gathering.
Register ahead of time, and a link will be sent to you: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlc-2rpz4rE91UWZg4SN5IFZGnhV9FFD2_

5… 4… 3… 2… 1…

5 is for 5 Leadership Gifts

Thank you to those who have given $10,000+. These five donors have committed a total of $60K, funding almost half of the roof project.

4 is for 4 Ways to Give

Via Check

Via Credit Card

Charitable IRA Rollover

Donate appreciated Stock

3 is for 3 Surprising Needs

The office copier broke, a mold mitigating air conditioning unit failed, a glass door shattered. Just like in an aging home, there are always repairs that need to be made. The trustees can handle most of these expenses out of the church budget, however large projects like the roof require special fundraising.

2 is for $2K

$2000 is the average gift we need in order to reach our goal. If you are financially able,* please consider giving at least this amount.

1 is for Once is a Lifetime

While our church will still need to protect and maintain the buildings and property, if we do this project right (which is what we’re aiming to do), the roof over the sanctuary will not need to be replaced again for 70 years. That’s why this is a once in a lifetime project.

GARDENING IS WEDNESDAY 8/4, 5:30-6:30 this week!We had our first harvest last week and are happy that our produce is going to feed hungry people. It has been a joy to connect food with faith. This ministry is open to all, any week throughout the sum…

GARDENING IS WEDNESDAY 8/4, 5:30-6:30 this week!

We had our first harvest last week and are happy that our produce is going to feed hungry people. It has been a joy to connect food with faith. This ministry is open to all, any week throughout the summer.  We hope you’ll join us!  For more information, please contact Betsy Broome, Brookside’s pastoral intern, at ebroomemid@gmail.com.

9:30 am In Person Worship Sunday, August 8th

If the weather is nice, we’ll meet OUTSIDE in the Anderson Wing courtyard

If the weather is poor, we’ll meet INSIDE

Regardless, we will also livestream via Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting

Or call in:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 254 441 229

Prior services can be found here:

NOTE: When you join, you will be put in an online ‘waiting room.’

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

For Elaine I.
For family and friends of Gary D’A, including his wife Jeanne and sons Brian and Geoffrey.
For all who grieve Tim (family of Linda H.)

For our emerging world, our leaders, and all who continue to be impacted by Covid, especially as the Delta variant spreads rapidly among the unvaccinated.

For the lonely, the isolated, the anxious, the fearful, the sick.

Prayer Joys and Concerns will be listed weekly. Requests received by Tuesday of each week will be included in the following Sunday’s bulletin and @ Brookside and will remain there for a month unless otherwise requested. Please forward your requests during the week to: office@brooksidechurch.org