@ Brookside . . . Week of April 3rd

In honor of Jesus’ middle eastern heritage, join us in a modern-day Persian meal catered by a local family-owned restaurant. Dinner includes Dolmeh (stuffed vegetarian grape leaves), Hummus, Grilled Chicken over Shirin Polo (specialty rice), Bademjan (vegetarian dish of eggplant and mushrooms in saffron tomato sauce) over basmati rice. In your RSVP, please indicate if you have any dietary restrictions or allergies.

Following dinner, we will celebrate Communion.
RSVP by April 6th here: https://brooksidecc.breezechms.com/form/39fcb3

Ukraine Collection

Five weeks after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the people of Ukraine continue to suffer, and their specific needs are emerging. The United Church of Christ is appealing for support for refugees who have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries and for elderly and other vulnerable people who are displaced within Ukraine and unable to leave. As a member of the ACT Alliance of over 140 churches and related organizations, UCC support is being targeted to people most in need through humanitarian relief partners with a history of working in the region.

Brookside Community Church will be taking a special collection for the people of Ukraine over the next two weeks (through April 10, Palm Sunday). Your donations of money may be made by check delivered to the main office, or through the BCC website at https://brooksidecc.breezechms.com/give/online - at the dropdown, select Give to Flow Through - Missions Giving, and in all cases indicate Ukraine fund in the memo line. Thank you for your generosity.


Join us in Scialla Hall on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, from 6:30-7:30pm for a free one-hour session of yoga and centering prayer.

April 6, April 20, May 4, May 18

This link with more information (including opportunities at other locations) is easily sharable: https://www.meetup.com/Praxis-Christian-Wellness/

More information about the program at PraXisWellness.Center, email info4praxiswellness@gmail.com with questions.

We are seeking to train volunteer instructors to keep the program going.

Sunday Worship April 10th

9:30am - Lent 6 - Worship - in person and via Zoom

10:30am - Fellowship

Download Bulletin Below. Hymns can be found online at hymnary.org, or arrange to borrow a hymnal from the church.


Or call in:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 254 441 229

Previous services can be found here: https://youtu.be/v3pUsatNHrQ

Please subscribe to our youtube channel. Once we reach 100 youtube subscribers, we can unlock some free benefits.

Lenten Movie
“Jesus Christ Superstar”
3-5pm Palm Sunday 4/10

We will be ordering an array of flowers including Easter Lilies to display.

Orders due by April 12th - https://brooksidecc.breezechms.com/form/7043d695

Our new video capture system is simple to use, but we still need people to run it. Can you press buttons? Would you enjoy playing with the (optional) joystick? This is a great opportunity someone needing volunteer hours for school, or who is curious about video production, or who likes to sit in the balcony at church. Please contact pastornicolette@gmail.com for more information or to be added to the schedule.

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

Those who grieve the death of Sarah F., especially her children Margaret and Alice.

The prayers shared aloud on Sunday morning*

The lonely, the isolated, the anxious, the fearful

The sick, the dying, the grieving

Students, teachers, administrators

All who continue to be impacted by Covid-19

The people of Ukraine, Russia, Afghanistan, and all who live in places of uncertainty and violence

Our leaders, our communities, our nation

*Prayers shared on Sunday morning are NOT published here, except by explicit request. If you would like a prayer included in @Brookside, please email office@brooksidechurch.org