@ Brookside . . . Wednesday August 2nd


This Sunday we’re at GRACE LUTHERAN at 10am - livestream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXbQnLsrOX4

RSVP here on our Facebook page and invite your friends and neighbors! This is a wonderful low-pressure time to visit church, and a unique opportunity to worship on a Sunday morning as a BCC group with other faith communities in town.

Hope to see you tonight at the Mendham Night Out: https://www.mendhamtownship.org/.../4th-annual-national...

8/16 Potluck Pool Party:

Family friendly, rain or shine (if rainy, we will enjoy fellowship and games indoors). Please bring a snack, side dish, or dessert to share, as well as a preferred beverage. Swimming, lawn games, fellowship, and fun! RSVP to Pastor Nicolette pastornicolette@gmail.com

8/23 Summer Dance Party: https://www.mayoarts.org/.../free-summer-event-dee-jay-rich

8/30 Music Trivia Fellowship Night with Amy: Location TBD

Connect with friends from church outside of our walls! Go to our facebook group to arrange carpooling or meet-up points https://www.facebook.com/groups/2111196432303225

As we get ready to launch new children’s programming this autumn, we need the input from the community. Please click here to fill out the survey if you have children under 18 in your care and share it with others.

After taking July off, we’re back in August! contact pastornicolette@gmail.com for the zoom link

Check your email for new opportunities to help on Sunday mornings, in addition to hosting coffee hour

Faith in action

Click here to find out more about volunteer opportunities: RAMP Opportunity Survey


PraXis Summer Online Offerings

Join PraXis online for pre-recorded sessions of Movement, Mindfulness and Prayer.
Posts go live on August 8 and 22.

Your first one-hour session is waiting for you on YouTube Channel RIGHT HERE.

In August, Start your Monday off right with a 20-minute session of Centering Prayer and contemplative silence.

Join Cornelius and Jamie, every Monday morning for an online Contemplative Prayer Group.  

On Zoom, at 6:30 am. 

Zoom Meeting LINK HERE

More at
PraXis Wellness, on Facebook and on YouTube

Volunteers needed to help plan and to assist on the day before and the day of the event. See Pastor Nicolette if you’re interested in assisting.

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

The prayers shared aloud on Sunday morning*

Those who grieve

Those impacted by illness

Those impacted by gun violence

Those who feel broken in body, mind, or spirit

Those in times of discernment and change

Our leaders, our communities, our nation

*Prayers shared on Sunday morning are NOT published here, except by explicit request. If you would like a prayer included in @Brookside, please email office@brooksidechurch.org