@ Brookside . . . Week of January 15th

To help us prepare for the meeting, please help us plan for an accurate budget by telling us your giving intentions:

https://brooksidecc.breezechms.com/form/85166168 (the link is fixed)

We are in need of people to give of their time and talent in the following areas: Please contact Pastor Nicolette or Sally Pierson if you’re interested in volunteering or learning more:
- Church Clerk (takes notes at Annual Meeting and monthly Zoom Council meetings)
- Children & Youth Programs (help to coordinate 2-3 events per month especially for children, youth, and/or their families)
- Community Outreach (help plan events in the community, arrange service projects, communicate with mission partners, and/or advertising)
- Deacons (assist with Sunday morning worship and member care)
- Trustees (oversee the care and maintenance of the buildings and property, as well as the church’s financial well-being)

Some may call this kind of gathering a 'new member class,' though that's not necessarily the intent (if you do want to join the church formally, we would welcome you on February 12th in preparation for our annual meeting). More than anything, this is a time for people who are relatively new to the church to better know and understand the church, ask any questions, and learn how your presence impacts us and creates a stronger community.  

Please RSVP to Pastor Nicolette pastornicolette@gmail.com if you’re interested in attending, noting if you have any dietary restrictions or if you require childcare to attend.

Sunday Worship 9:30am
January 22nd -

9:30am - Worship in person and via Zoom

10:30am - All Ages Service Project (Pack breakfast bags)


Or call in:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 254 441 229

Host fellowship by signing up here:


Questions? Contact Maria H. mcikifan@hotmail.com

Previous services can be found here (please subscribe): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt13UJi4ShYdpMZm-ONnDWA

We hope you will join us THIS COMING Sunday, January 22, 2023 when our inaugural Embodied Movement Series with Sayrah Garrison, begins! Come learn about the 5Rhythms dance, which is a transformative movement practice, sure to help you kick off 2023 on the right foot! Our first class will serve as an introduction to the 5Rhythms movement practice and will be a great place to start! All are welcomed to move with us!

Learn more about the series and register here:

You may also join the conversation on Facebook here:


Breeze is our church management software - you’ve been invited to use it to give, to pledge, to sign up for Christmas Eve…and there are so many more ways to use it to stay better connected to one another and to all that is happening at the church. https://brooksidecc.breezechms.com/

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

The prayers shared aloud on Sunday morning*

Those who grieve, especially the friends and family of longtime member of the Brookside church community, Dick Patton

Those who feel broken in body, mind, or spirit

Those who are anticipating an upcoming surgery

The lonely, the isolated, the anxious

The people of Iran, China, Ukraine, Russia and all who live in places of transition or war

All who are dealing with the aftermath of severe storms and cold

Our leaders, our communities, our nation

*Prayers shared on Sunday morning are NOT published here, except by explicit request. If you would like a prayer included in @Brookside, please email office@brooksidechurch.org