@ Brookside . . . Wednesday March 20th


Please RSVP HERE by Monday 3/25 so we have an accurate count for dinner.

Palm Sunday
March 24th


in person & via zoom

Click here to join ZOOM

Meeting ID: 937 2822 8036

Passcode: 123456

Previous services can be found here:

Check your email for new opportunities to help on Sunday mornings, in addition to hosting coffee hour


JOIN US TONIGHT, Wednesday, March 20, 6:45-8:00PM, as Sayrah Garrison Fogle and Christin Scarcello-Miller co-teach the final class of our yoga series!

Class tonight will focus on postures and practices that encourage cleansing and energetic recalibration as we shift into Spring!

Click here for more info and to register.

Service begins at 7pm. All are invited and encouraged to attend this sacred night.

Brookside Book Study-

ZOOM 3/25

“Faith After Doubt” is for anyone whose faith journey poses more questions than answers. Join Paul B. in person on March 4th at the Brookside Church, followed by three Zoom sessions (3/11,3/25 & 4/8). Our final session, April 22nd, will be an in person celebration of what we’ve learned. Books can be purchased on Amazon or ten copies have been reserved through the Mendham Township Library (contact pastornicolette@gmail.com to borrow a copy).

Register here!

Zoom link provided upon registration

Instead of thinking what you want to ‘give up’ as a sacrifice, we invite you to consider what you might ‘give up’ or do less of to make room to do more of what you love, or connect with who you love. Our Lenten series (leading up to Easter) invites us to minimize distractions in order to make room in our life for what truly matters. Consider commiting to 40 Hours of Connection, here.

More information on seasonal activities to help you connect are found here.

Regional Youth Event

Join Pastor Nicolette this summer with current 7-12th graders* from Maine to Maryland who will gather for fun, faith, and fellowship. This year’s event will be held at Silver Lake Camp, where Nicolette has been a volunteer chaplain for the last several years. There's a lake for swimming, a high and low ropes course for challenging, and all sorts of opportunities for learning and growing. 

Click Here for More Information & To Register

If cost is a barrier, please reach out to Nicolette. Camp is for everyone, and this is a really special opportunity. 

*since it's held in July, this invitation includes those who will have graduated in May/June. 

The Southern New England Conference is pleased to host the Eastern Regional Youth Event on July 28-31, 2024. This leadership program is for teens who are currently in grades 6-12 and their adult leaders. It will be held at Silver Lake Camp and Retreat Center in Sharon, CT. 

Sign up HERE to get email updates about RYE.

RYE webpage- bookmark this for handy reference.

For more information, contact Debby Kirk at kirkd@sneucc.org

Children & Youth Art Contest: Register here

Art submissions can be made from March 1 to April 16.


Sacred Sound Circle with Christina Wypijewska

Join us on Thursday, April 4, from 6:30PM- 7:45PM for a nourishing and meditative sound journey designed to create space for deep listening and inner resonance for balancing the body and mind.

For more info and to register click here.

Spring 5Rhythms Series led by Sayrah Garrison

Join us Fridays, April 5 - May 10 from 10:00AM- 11:30AM for an opportunity to get out of your head and into your body with movement, music and community connection!

For more info and to register

Dances of Universal Peace led by Andre Bernard

Join us on Saturday, April 27, from 1:00PM- 2:30PM for a unique and peaceful movement experience!

For more info and to register, click here

In our Hearts, In our Prayers:

The prayers shared aloud on Sunday morning*

Those who are in the process of healing

Those who mourn, especially Gwen R. on the passing of her mother and the Piersons who will be celebrating their father’s life this Saturday 3/23 at the Glen Ridge church.

Those impacted by natural & humanmade disasters in Israel & Palestine, Ukraine and other sites around the world

Those who are caregivers

Those who feel broken in body, mind, or spirit

Those in times of discernment and change

Our leaders, our communities, our nation

*Prayers shared on Sunday morning are NOT published here, except by explicit request. If you would like a prayer included in @Brookside, please email office@brooksidechurch.org